MY BOOK: “Never Give up on Success”

Book Launch Dates:

Polokwane Bargain Books: 18h00
Place: Polokwane
Date: 31 October 2024

Mmabatho Palms hotel: 10h30
Place: Mafikeng
Date: 23. November 2024

Exclusive Books Mall of Africa
Place: Johannesburg
Date: 28 November 2024


Liza's new book

"Never Give Up on Success"

is available now!

It took me more than twenty 20 years to write this book. The media started announcing the birth of this book around 1999/2000. I had already started then but it’s only now that I finished the book and it will be published in due course.

When you buy a copy of this book, some of the proceeds will be donated to two NGO’s dealing with Gender Based Violence (GBV), providing counselling, education and prevention.

The NGO where I serve as a Non- Executive Director will not be benefitting from some of the proceeds of the book. This NGO is also focusing on providing support, counselling services to abused women, children, young people, men and the elderly in South Africa. Calling on men to end violence against women and children. It also focuses on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Why I decided to write the book: “ Never Give Up On Success”

I have been involved in various projects that deal with socio-economic issues in various communities, more specifically the ones affecting women and children. My connection and communication with people was, among others, through print, radio and television media.

At the time I received positive feedback from people telling me that my speeches changed their lives. Some people used to say that when I addressed them they felt like I was talking to them directly or I was relating to a situation that they were familiar with. Some told me that after they had listened to my speech they changed careers and their lives changed for the better. The comments of these men and women inspired and encouraged me to keep on addressing various social gatherings. As a result I started thinking of compiling some of the speeches that I made, including the best I had to give into a book that I thought would help reach a lot of people.

Before I practised as an Advocate of the High Court, I had studied Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy at University, among various other courses that I studied as a Social Worker, which gave me background knowledge of human behaviour. Practising as a social worker, helped me gain a lot of experience regarding human behaviour and the dynamics of human psychology. During my tenure as a Social Worker I counselled quite a number of people, which was an enriching experience for me, which I value dearly.

After reading innumerable books including self-help books, listening to audio books, multiple tapes and CDs in my car and various electronic devices, attending self -help and personal development seminars and workshops, I realised that I had equipped myself with adequate knowledge on how to succeed despite all odds. There was so much listening material in my car and various electronic devices that it turned into a ‘mobile university’.

I have also learned, even through other people’s experiences, that when you try and achieve your goal, your dream in life, there will be people who are going to laugh at you, ridicule and criticize you, even discourage you. If you have been through the same experience, don’t take them too seriously, cause there has never been a statue erected to a critic, so they are not held in high esteem after all, so says Zig Ziglar.

It does not matter when the little world laughs at you because the big world will be waiting for you at the finish line, cheering you up and across.

Robin Sharma says, “Take the stones people throw at you and use them to build a monument”. It is so true.

If you are interested in reading the book, look out for the publishing date of the book, the launches, seminars, workshops across the country.